What Global Warming? 2012 Data Confirms Earth In Cooling Trend
Report: Obama Group Gets Zero Attendance for DC Climate Change Rally: ‘ Not a single person showed up at the Georgetown waterfront Tuesday for a climate change agenda event put on by Organizing for Action’
OFA Gets Zero Attendance for Climate Change Rally | Washington Free Beacon http://freebeacon.com/ofa-gets-zero-attendance-for-climate-change-rally/ Not a single person showed up at the Georgetown waterfront Tuesday for a climate change agenda event put on by Organizing for Action, the shadowy nonprofit advocacy group born out of President Obama’s 2012 campaign, the NRCC wrote in its blog. More here: […]
Russian TV Warming up to warming? ‘RT is the first Russian 24/7 English-language news channel. RT’s Oksana Boyko asks: Global warming or global sham? Real emergency or conspiracy to hike taxes?’
Warming up to warming? http://theclimatescepticsparty.blogspot.com/2013/08/warming-up-to-warming.html RT is the first Russian 24/7 English-language news channel. RT’s Oksana Boyko asks: Global warming or global sham? Real emergency or conspiracy to hike taxes? Lord Christopher Monckton joins Oksana to untangle the politics behind climate science.Monckton: “It is very clear that, when the Berlin wall came down, the extreme communist […]
Polar bear expert debunks dead polar bear claims: ‘Ian Stirling’s howler update: contradicted by scientific data’: ‘Winter/spring ice conditions in 2013 did not result in an unusual number of bears in poor body condition compared to previous years, back to 1993’
Ian Stirling’s howler update: contradicted by scientific data http://polarbearscience.com/2013/08/11/ian-stirlings-howler-update-contradicted-by-scientific-data Following up on my last post (Ian Stirling’s latest howler: “the polar bear who died of climate change”), I tracked down some details contained in the original Norwegian news report but which were left out of the articles that spread the story around the world. I […]
NASA Apollo Astronaut Walter Cunningham says trust in NASA and science has been abused
NASA Apollo Astronaut Walter Cunningham says trust in NASA and science has been abused http://joannenova.com.au/2013/08/nasa-apollo-astronaut-walter-cunningham-laments-nasa-and-science/ Donn F. Eisele, Walter M. Schirra, Jr. and Walter Cunningham. Walter Cunningham is a fighter pilot and a physicist and was the Lunar Module pilot on the Apollo 7 mission. In a 263 hour mission in October 1968 the three astronauts […]
Skeptic Murry Salby responds to the attacks on his record: ‘Salby was sacked from Macquarie U., & Macquarie struggled to explain why, among other things, it was necessary to abandon, and strand him in Paris and hold a ‘misconduct’ meeting in his absence’
Murry Salby responds to the attacks on his record http://joannenova.com.au/2013/08/murry-salby-responds-to-the-attacks-on-his-record/ Murry Salby was sacked from Macquarie University, and Macquarie struggled to explain why, among other things, it was necessary to abandon, and strand him in Paris and hold a “misconduct” meeting in his absence. Since then he has been subject to attacks related to his […]
New Study: Modern Climate Alarms ‘Resemble Pre-Modern Ideas About Divine Punishment’ — Study ‘shows the striking similarities between late modern notions of anthropogenic climate change and pre-modern ideas about divine punishment’
New Study: Modern Climate Alarms ‘Resemble Pre-Modern Ideas About Divine Punishment’ http://www.thegwpf.org/study-modern-climate-alarms-resemble-pre-modern-ideas-divine-punishment/ The Swedish historian David Larsson Heidenblad has published a study in which he shows the striking similarities between late modern notions of anthropogenic climate change and pre-modern ideas about divine punishment. Dr David Larsson Heidenblad Department of History, Lund University, Sweden Below are a few excerpts from […]
Video: GOP calif. Rep. Rohrabacher says global warming a ‘ total fraud’ to help ‘create global government’
Video: Rohrabacher says global warming a ‘fraud’ to help ‘create global government’ http://junkscience.com/2013/08/12/video-rohrabacher-says-global-warming-a-fraud-to-help-create-global-government The Hill reports: Global warming is a “fraud” orchestrated by people with a far-reaching agenda to restrict personal freedom, according to Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Calif.). “Just so you’ll know, global warming is a total fraud,” the 13-term lawmaker told a Tea Party […]
Warming Fail: 2013 so far 42nd warmest on record
Warming Fail: 2013 so far 42nd warmest on record http://junkscience.com/2013/08/13/warming-fail-2013-so-far-42nd-warmest-on-record NOAA reports: The year-to-date contiguous U.S. temperature of 51.8°F was 0.5°F above the 20th century average and tied with 1952 as the 42nd warmest January–July on record. Read more…
Antarctic Sea Ice Extent Closing in on more Records (Still 2nd Highest)
Antarctic Sea Ice Extent Closing in on more Records (Still 2nd Highest) http://sunshinehours.wordpress.com/2013/08/12/antarctic-sea-ice-extent-closing-in-on-more-records-still-2nd-highest Day 223 in the Antarctic (August 12) has Antarctic Sea Ice Extent slowly closing on 2010′s record. Day 223 is 1,000,000 sq km above the 30 year mean.