A UN IPCC Scientist’s New Study! ‘Global Warming Sparks Fistfights & War, Researchers Say’: ‘Will systematically increase the risk of many types of conflict ranging from barroom brawls & rape to civil wars & international disputes’ — Climate Depot Responds

Statement by Climate Depot Publisher Marc Morano on new global warming/violence study: “Instead of looking at temperature data or other climate metrics to prove or disprove man-made global warming claims, the global warming activists have now shifted the playing field so rape and murder statistics are now used as some sort of ‘proof’ of man-made […]

Skeptics blast Interior Sec. Jewell’s comments as ‘scientific cleansing’: Climate Depot’s Morano: ‘It’s a way for the Obama administration to silence any internal critics’

Skeptics blast Jewell’s comments as ‘scientific cleansing’ Laura Petersen, E&E reporter [Complete article available from E&E Greenwire – August 1, 2013 – subscription required] Published: Thursday, August 1, 2013 Some observers are outraged over comments made yesterday by Interior Secretary Sally Jewell when she said she hoped there are “no climate change deniers” at her agency. Jewell made […]

Record Slow Arctic Ice Area Loss At The End Of July: ‘Blew away all records for slow ice area loss, with less than 1/20th the loss that occurred in 1985’

Record Slow Arctic Ice Area Loss At The End Of July http://stevengoddard.wordpress.com/2013/08/01/record-slow-arctic-ice-area-loss-at-the-end-of-july The last week in July blew away all records for slow ice area loss, with less than 1/20th the loss that occurred in 1985. arctic.atmos.uiuc.edu/cryosphere/timeseries.anom.1979-2008 Last week, NSIDC said : Back when the sea was thick and lasted for years, cyclones tended to […]