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Warmists bemoan Senate climate hearing thrashing: ‘All of the Republican members of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee question the science behind climate change’

Warmists bemoan Senate climate hearing thrashing Noting reality is somehow “parroting anti-science.” Tiffany Germain writes at Climate Progress: All of the Republican members of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee question the science behind climate change. Fueled by millions in donations from the fossil fuel industry, on Thursday, these Senators used the committee […]

Bad for warmism: In-the-tank BBC asks ‘Why has global warming stalled?’

Bad for warmism: In-the-tank BBC asks ‘Why has global warming stalled?’ BBC science editor David Shukman reports: With Britain’s heatwave reaching a peak, there could be no better moment to talk about why global warming has slowed to a standstill… What if the climate models – which are the very basis for all discussions […]

British solar scientist on the smallest solar maximum in 100 years: “It all points to perhaps another little ice age”

British solar scientist on the smallest solar maximum in 100 years: “It all points to perhaps another little ice age” “It is the smallest solar maximum we have seen in 100 years”  Dr David Hathaway, NASA. The current lack of solar activity could mean that we are in for another little ice age, according to […]

Monckton: Ten years of ‘accelerated global warming’? ‘Data doesn’t support Obama’s claim’

Ten years of ‘accelerated global warming’ ? Data doesn’t support Obama’s claim Guest essay by Christopher Monckton of Brenchley During the July 2013 U.S. Senate hearing at which Roger Pielke Jr. and Roy Spencer gave stellar testimony to the visible discomfiture of the climate-extremist witnesses, none of the “Democrat” Senators and none of the […]

Today’s puzzler: If the Obamas dry their underwear on a clothesline outside The White House, will that prevent the formation of CO2-induced hurricanes? — ‘More than 6% of residential electricity consumption is due to the tumble dryer. We are facing devastating climate change impacts, largely brought on by consumption habits in the developed world’

Today’s puzzler: If the Obamas dry their underwear on a clothesline outside The White House, will that prevent the formation of CO2-induced hurricanes? Clothesline at The White HouseMore than 6% of residential electricity consumption is due to the tumble dryer. We are facing devastating climate change impacts, largely brought on by consumption habits in […]