It’s Here! Senate Full Committee hearing entitled, ‘Climate Change: It’s Happening Now.’

Full Committee hearing entitled, “Climate Change: It’s Happening Now.”
Thursday, July 18, 2013
10:00 AM EDT
Live Webcast – Flash
EPW Hearing Room – 406 Dirksen
Webcast can be accessed by clicking the red “live hearing” icon when the hearing begins at 10:00am ET. Please note that the icon will not appear until 10:00am ET and may require your web browser to be refreshed at that time. 

Majority Statements Minority Statements


Opening Remarks

Panel 1

Dr. Heidi Cullen
Chief Climatologist
Climate Central
Mr. Frank Nutter
Reinsurance Association of America
Mr. KC Golden
Policy Director
Climate Solutions
Ms. Diana Furchtgott-Roth
Senior Fellow
Manhattan Institute for Policy Research
Dr. Robert P. Murphy
Senior Economist
Institute for Energy Research

Panel 2

Dr. Jennifer Francis
Research Professor
Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences, Rutgers University
Dr. Scott Doney
Director, Ocean and Climate Change Institute
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Dr. Margaret Leinin
Executive Director, Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute
Florida Atlantic University
Dr. Roger Pielke, Jr.
Professor, Center for Science and Technology Policy Research
University of Colorado
Dr. Roy Spencer
Principal Research Scientist IV
University of Alabama, Huntsville
