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Matt Ridley: Why Nobody Ever Calls The Weather Normal: ‘Global warming became climate change so as to be able to take the blame for cold spells and wet seasons as well’

Matt Ridley: Why Nobody Ever Calls The Weather Normal WHEN the history of the global warming scare comes to be written, a chapter should be devoted to the way the message had to be altered to keep the show on the road. Global warming became climate change so as to be able to take […]

Models Fail: Global Land Precipitation & Global Ocean Precipitation

Models Fail: Global Land Precipitation & Global Ocean Precipitation We used NOAA’s CAMS-OPI satellite-era precipitation data in the post Model-Data Precipitation Comparison: CMIP5 (IPCC AR5) Model Simulations versus Satellite-Era Observations. Unfortunately, we weren’t able to isolate precipitation data for land and oceans with that dataset at the KNMI Climate Explorer. But there is another […]

Understanding Texas Weather: ‘If Texas doesn’t have hurricanes, they have a deficiency of rain, which is a global warming induced drought. If Texas does have hurricanes and gets plenty of rain, the hurricanes are caused by global warming. No matter what the weather is in Texas, it is caused by global warming’

Understanding Texas Weather If Texas doesn’t have hurricanes, they have a deficiency of rain, which is a global warming induced drought. If Texas does have hurricanes and gets plenty of rain, the hurricanes are caused by global warming. No matter what the weather is in Texas, it is caused by global warming – and […]

Uh oh: Warmist Nick Kristof blames CO2 for Lake Chad “drying up”

Uh oh: Warmist Nick Kristof blames CO2 for Lake Chad “drying up” Twitter / NickKristof: Doubt climate change? Lake …Doubt climate change? Lake Chad, once the 8th biggest lake in the world, is now a collection of ponds. / agolovashkina: @NickKristof If there’s one …@NickKristof If there’s one group we can count on […]

France Bans New Mercedes Cars Over ‘Greenhouse Gases’

France Bans New Mercedes Cars Over ‘Greenhouse Gases’ The latest models of Mercedes cars cannot be sold in France as they still use an air conditioning refrigerant the EU says emits excessive greenhouse gases and should be replaced, the German auto company said. “Only new cars are subject to the measure,” a company spokesman […]