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Bummer: James Hansen’s latest insane climate hoax paper suggests that trace amounts of CO2 could “eliminate grain production in almost all agricultural regions in the world” and “make much of the planet uninhabitable by humans”

Bummer: James Hansen’s latest insane climate hoax paper suggests that trace amounts of CO2 could “eliminate grain production in almost all agricultural regions in the world” and “make much of the planet uninhabitable by humans” James Hansen: Fossil fuel addiction could trigger runaway global warming | Nafeez Ahmed | Environment | paper projects […]

Bummer: CO2-induced “climate holocaust” is allegedly coming unless we “replace the predatory, corporate capitalism that we live under”

Bummer: CO2-induced “climate holocaust” is allegedly coming unless we “replace the predatory, corporate capitalism that we live under” Climate change realism requires lifting veil of denial | Georgia Straight“If we get well away from 2 ° C, it’s really not going to be a world [in which] most of our kids will want to […]

Wildfire aerosols not handled well in climate modeling

Wildfire aerosols not handled well in climate modeling From Los Alamos National Laboratory: Wildfires may contribute more to global warming than previously predicted They suggest that fire emissions could contribute a lot more to the observed climate warming than current estimates show. Haze of smoke emanating from the 2011 Las Conchas, NM fire. Particle […]

Sunspot Double-Peak Over?

Sunspot Double-Peak Over? The Royal Observatory of Belgium, official keeper of sunspot records, promptly published its June sunspot number on July 1st. It is 52.5. That is a pathetically small number for being at Solar Cycle 24 maximum activity. In a normal cycle the number would be about 119. The monthly sunspot number means that in […]