AP: Obama making plans for ‘major push using executive powers’ to tackle global warming
‘Consensus” Bending: From ‘Warming’ To ‘Stalling’ To Global ‘Cooling’
Lawsuit against EPA delayed until Obama unveils new climate plan
We have heard it all before: 1938 Book Proved Unprecedented Arctic Warming: 1938: ‘A warming of the Arctic, as evidence by a gradual and universal decrease in ice abundance’
As Earth COOLS, Obama in Berlin vows U.S. ‘will do more…before it is too late’ to battle global warming: Warns of ‘more severe storms, more famine & floods, new waves of refugees, coastlines that vanish, oceans that rise’
For more on Obama’s speech in Berlin, see here. Update: AP: Obama making plans for ‘major push using executive powers’ to tackle global warming Climate Depot’s exclusive Global Cooling Report available here: