Be Afraid! Warmist Wael Hmaidan, director of Climate Action Network, a worldwide network of 850 NGOs: ‘By the end of this century we might exceed four degrees temperature increase, which means the collapse of human civilization’
The UN IPCC: Politicizing Science Since 1988 — ‘All pretense that the IPCC is a scientific organization will vanish’ at upcoming meeting
NYT’s Andrew Revkin on EPA’s ‘Richard Windsor’ scandal: ‘So much for transparency…Pretty clearly an attempt at an end run around FOIA. More signs of Obama admin’s say-one-thing-do-another approach to openness’
Remember that California money that was supposed to save our grandchildren from CO2-induced fiery floods? They’ve decided to spend it on other stuff
Meteorologist Art Horn on the ‘The Pause In Global Warming’: ‘Perhaps ‘The Pause’ will give humanity a chance to literally pause and question the man made global warming theory’
New word for warmists: ‘Peccatogenic’: ‘Attributing disasters, including… bad weather and famine, to human misconduct” (sex, gambling, dancing etc)’
Population Bomb: How wrong was Paul Ehrlich? Predicted ‘substantial increase in the world death rate’ — But death rate dropped by more than one-third
What you need to know about climate modeling in one graph — Courtesy of Climatologist Dr. Roy Spencer