Climate Depot’s Earth Day Round Up: Reuters: ‘If the environmental movement has a high holiday, Earth Day is it’

Wash. Post hosts ‘Earth Day theology’: ‘God is judging our sin against the planet, and She is very, very angry about it’ 

1970 Earth Day Quotes: ‘Civilization will end within 15 or 30 years unless immediate action is taken against problems facing mankind’ — George Wald, Harvard Biologist — Paul Ehrlich, Stanford U.: ‘Population will inevitably and completely outstrip whatever small increases in food supplies we make. The death rate will increase until at least 100-200 million people per year will be starving to death during next ten years.’

Denis Hayes, organized 1970 Earth Day: ‘It is already too late to avoid mass starvation.’ 

1970 Earth Day Quotes: ‘Phasing out the human race will solve every problem on earth, social and environmental.’- Dave Forman, founder of Earth First — John Davis, editor of Earth First Journal: ‘I suspect that eradicating smallpox was wrong. It played an important part in balancing ecosystems.’ 

Earth Day Special: Media’s Top 25 Wackiest Env. Quotes — Time Mag. Editor: ‘I would freely admit on [AGW] we have crossed the boundary from news reporting to advocacy’ 

Bishop Gene Robinson reveals he is a pagan Earth worshipper?! ‘A faith-based wake-up call on Earth Day’ — Bishop Robinson: ‘If, among other things, the crucifixion remembered by Christians on Good Friday is an example of humankind’s blindness and cruelty, then certainly our lack of action on environmental issues is another example of our penchant for blindness to reality and cruelty to future generations’ 

Green Church: CNN anchor confesses his ‘eco-sins’ to cleanse for Earth Day — Watch Now: CNN Anchor T.J. Holmes: ‘I’d like confess my sins. I drive a Chevy Tahoe…I often turn the water on in the shower, then I walk downstairs…I throw those bottles away without recycling…Those are my eco-sins. I’m confessing them to you because tomorrow is Earth Day’ 

Earth Day Dissent: ‘The day set aside to save the planet has become a second Halloween where we fear imaginary planetary ghouls and goblins’ — ‘A 2008 MIT study showed that even the carbon footprint of a homeless person in the U.S. is more than four times the UN recommendation’ 

Reuters: ‘If the environmental movement has a high holiday, Earth Day is it’ 

Earth Day Dissent: ‘Environmentalism is devoted to the collapse of every scientific and technological advance of past century, along with the capitalist system that made them possible’

BURN IN HELL: NYT Warmist Paul Krugman to those whose ‘deny’ global warming: ‘May you be punished in the afterlife for doing so’ — Calls ‘denial’ an ‘almost inconceivable sin’ — Krugman invokes God’s wrath on skeptics: ‘You can deny global warming (and may you be punished in the afterlife for doing so — this kind of denial for petty personal or political reasons is an almost inconceivable sin).’

Cheers! Here’s to 40 More Years of Failure! Warming Activist Bill McKibben – On Earth Day: ‘The environmental movement needs repairs — Forty years in, we’re losing’

Flashback 2010: Cheers! Here’s to 40 More Years of Failure! Warming Activist Bill McKibben – On Earth Day: ‘The environmental movement needs repairs — Forty years in, we’re losing’

