Children won’t know what hockey sticks look like: Heavy April snow causes roof collapse at Saskatchewan hockey rink
Wash Post: Obama right to de-emphasize global warming; ‘So much focus on it has long crowded out other issues’
Triad of warmists relent: ‘3 of most vocal & persistent global warming propagandists have been hushed & hopefully humbled by 3 realities’
Warmist U.S. Admiral David Titley Goes To Santa Barbara Calif. & Warns of Big Sea Level Rise — But ‘there has been no sea level rise in Santa Barbara since the start of records in the 1970s’
Analysis: ‘The U.S. Used To Be Much Hotter: ‘There are 829 US HCN (U.S. Historical Climatology Network) stations which have been continuously active since at least 1920. The vast majority of them set their all-time record maximum prior to 1950’
UK Sunday Times focuses only on ‘melting’ Antarctic Peninsula, ignores whole continent’s sea ice expansion: ‘Antarctic sea ice area has been increasing & above normal for more than 500 consecutive days, so the experts chime in with a claim of record melt
New Yorker mag: ‘Has Obama Already Given Up On Climate Change?’ — Mag. examines President’s latest budget and find it ‘represents a major dodge on climate change’
German Journalist Writes New NOAA Drought Study Embarasses The Obama Administration & UN IPCC’s Kevin Trenberth