Video: Nuremberg-Trials-for-Skeptics-Guy (Grist’s Dave Roberts) says Earth’s surface temp may reach 180-degrees F by 2300 without emissions curbs
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review: Hot, hot, hot? Not, not, not! Another flawed global warming study
Weather Service chief: We face ‘new normal’ of extremes
End Times: Climate change: ‘Is it game over for Earth?’
Analysis: ‘CO2 Is A Chameleon’: ‘Climate change can change colors, any time it feels its funding is threatened by reality’
Climategaters still trying to silence skeptics — now from talking about Climategate! ‘Lawyers for U. of East Anglia are trying to intimidate skeptics about publishing Climategate 3.0 e-mails’
Check out Climate Depot’s coverage of Climategate 3.0
Bloom off of global warming on 1st day of (brrrr) Spring: ‘Feels more like the first day of January’ — Last year, ‘Media sensationalized unseasonably warm temps’ — This year — silence
Excerpt from Henry Payne in Detroit News: “First day of spring?” said a WWJ-Detroit Radio forecasterWednesday morning in frigid, below-normal, 21-degree, Midwest temperatures with little relief in sight. “Feels more like the first day of January.” What a difference a year makes. Last March, the media welcomed spring in a panic over global warming, as […]