New Hockey Stick ‘Smoking Gun’ debunking it?! ‘The hockey stick shows a sudden unprecedented warming starting about 150 years ago, which is implicitly blamed on humans’
New Hockey Stick ‘Smoking Gun’ debunking it?! ‘The hockey stick shows a sudden unprecedented warming starting about 150 years ago, which is implicitly blamed on humans’
MUST SEE: We are DOOMED!? Warmist ‘JOE ROMM’S ALARMING GRAPH’: Drew ‘up the natural extension to the Marcott et al. graph showing the consensus picture of the near future global temps’
MIT climate scientist Dr. Richard Lindzen At The Oxford Union: ‘The Lindzen debate was a rather significant moment in climate debate. One in which skeptic views got a fair hearing in an open debate’
Michael Mann featured on ‘Expose the (skeptical) bastards’ website: Mann: ‘Our Ethical Responsibility To Act on Climate Change’