Another Antarctic Sea Ice Record? ‘It is very likely 2013 will go down in the history books as having the 2nd highest Antarctic sea ice minimum of all time’
New paper finds Antarctic meltwater was much higher in the past — New paper published in the journal The Holocene
Obama’s science advisor John Holdren: Global warming requires ‘smart’ grid — ‘Predictions of continued extreme weather events heighten the need to upgrade the U.S. electricity grid’
Ooops. Calif. Gov. Jerry Brown claims ‘rising sea level threatens the cities of San Francisco’ Reality Check: ‘There hasn’t been any sea level rise in the San Francisco Bay for at least 70 years’
CIA 1974 National Security Threat: Global Cooling/Excess Arctic Ice Causing Extreme Weather
Has anything changed?! ‘3000 years ago, primitive people believed floods, droughts, storms & plagues were caused by man’s sin, & sacrifice was required to improve the weather’
Meteorologist Robert W. Endlich critiques NASA’s Hansen: ‘I attended a talk by Dr. James Hansen….one item after another struck me as being completely at odds with measurements’
Endlich of News New Mexico: I asked Hansen about two periods in geologic history. First was end of the Ordovician, about 450 million years ago when CO2 increased from 4000 to 4400 PPM but earth entered a “snowball earth” phase. Second was the end of the Jurassic 150 million years ago, when CO2 was increasing, […]