Flashback 1956: Climate Change Wreaks Havoc Across The World – Disasters Flourish
A list of 1956 severe disasters before 350ppm CO2 levels – must be early climate change, no? 1956: 125 Die In NYC Region Blizzard – 13.5 Inches Of Snow Quickly Dumped On Area 1956: “Threat of Famine Hovering Over Ice-Shrouded Europe” 1956: 400,000 Square Miles of Australia Threatened By Floods 1956: “It Hit Like A […]
Analysis: ‘We’ll tell you why gas prices are so high’ — ‘U.S. is at center of the oil, gas, & coal world. The sooner federal officials relent, the sooner good jobs & much needed revenue can flow’
6 in 10 people worldwide lack access to flush toilets or other adequate sanitation
Heritage Sites Of ‘National Significance’ Under Threat From Wind Farms
Claim: Biofuels wiping out grasslands: ‘America’s prairies are shrinking. Spurred on by rush for biofuels, farmers are digging up grasslands in N. Plains to plant crops atquickest pace since 1930s’
Great News: Cheers! 2012 U.S. Coal Exports Reach Record High: ‘U.S. exported 114 million metric tons of coal — 12% more than previous high set in 1981’
Australia’s coal industry ‘making billions’ from carbon tax
US National Academy of Sciences to receive $500 million in oil money: ‘NAS to receive $500 million from Gulf oil spill settlement’
Joel Sternfeld, on attending a UN climate conf. & hearing CO2 is dangerous: ‘I live about 5 blocks from former World Trade Centre & I was at my window as first plane struck – but this was worse’
Analysis: ‘Which Year Was Most Extreme?’ in U.S. ‘2012 came out first & 2nd most extreme on the top 2 categories, respectively’
‘The winter in 1936 was the 2nd coldest on record. Only the winter of 1979 was colder. The summer of 1936 was the hottest on record. Annually, 2012 was warmest, whereas 1936 was ranked 72. So, a very hot summer and very cold winter in 1936 cancelled each other out, to something about average! It […]