Sec. of State John Kerry comes out swinging on climate change: Uses his first major speech as Sec. of State
NASA’s Hansen: NYTimes business columnist ‘doesn’t understand basic economics’; also, each U.S. family of 4 should cough up $6k-$9k annually inattempt to prevent CO2-induced bad weather
New paper finds IPCC models fail to simulate the most important natural weather patterns on the planet — Published in Global and Planetary Change
Multiple EU Scientific Studies Determine Modern Flooding Is Not Increasing – Floods From ‘Climate Change’ Prove Unsupportable
Warmist Paul Douglas suggests that CO2 is the cause of ‘a major tornado hitting an urban area’; he also claims ‘the past two years have seen the most severe weather since 1816’
Alaskan Sea Ice Normal Or Above For More Than A Year: ‘Like Antarctica, sea ice off Alaskan coast has been running normal or above for more than a year, & both have hit record highs during past year’
New paper finds Antarctica has been gaining surface ice mass over past 150 years — Published in The Cryosphere