Round Up:
Meteorologist Slaps Down latest warmist claim of ‘Less snow = more blizzards’ — ‘Whac-a-moling Seth Borenstein at AP over his erroneous extreme weather claims’ — By Dr. Richard Keen, Meteorologist Emeritus, University of Colorado, Boulder — ‘The last IPCC report claimed snowfall would decrease, and made no mention of larger storms. In 2000, Oppenheimer himself lamented his daughter’s unused sled and that ‘the pleasures of sledding and snowball fights are as out-of-date as hoop-rolling’
Identifying Global Warming Snow And Global Cooling Snow: ‘Heavy snow during 1970s was caused by global cooling, but equally heavy snow in recent years is caused by global warming’ — ‘Global warming snow can be differentiated from global cooling snow, based on the current funding scam of the climate séance community’
UN IPCC 2001: ‘Milder winter temperatures will decrease heavy snowstorms’