Washington Times features Climate Depot about Obama: Call Climate Depot ‘a news site focused on the follies of global warming’
Investor’s Business Daily features Climate Depot on Obama’s claims: ‘As Marc Morano documents at Climate Depot, all of the world’s most devastating floods occurred before 1976’
The data is in: ‘2012 Was Not Hottest Year In U.S.’ — ‘NOAA has finally gotten 2012 data set (almost) complete, & 2012 was 2nd warmest year in US after 1921 & slightly warmer than 1931 & 1934’
Peer-Reviewed Survey Finds Majority Of Scientists Skeptical Of Global Warming Crisis
GOP Sen. Marco Rubio: ‘The government can’t change the weather’
Wait, what?: ‘actual [polar bear] cub survival often seems to have a negative correlation with good ice years’
Churchill’s Bears and Hudson Bay Winter Obviously, the early freeze-up and the cold temperatures will translate to thicker ice on the bay than in previous years and likely a longer ice season come this spring. That is fairly goods news as our bears do most of their hunting between April and the end of June/early […]