Climate Astrology: Blizzard blamed on global warming?! Is there any weather event that is inconsistent with global warming? — Climate Depot Round up
[Updates on global warming blizzard claims here.] Here we go again. Global warming activists and some warmist scientists are linking the massive blizzard to man-made global warming. Jersey News Outlet Cries ‘Global Warming’ as Blizzard Approaches Warmist Brad Johnson tries to make the pending East Coast blizzard about the ocean ‘warming –Fails Rebuttal: Bob Tisdale […]
Flashback 2010: Climate Depot’s Morano on Fox News: ‘There is no way anyone can falsify the global warming theory now because any weather event that happens ‘proves’ their case’
Flashback 2010: NYT’s Climate Astrology: ‘Bundle Up, It’s Global Warming’ — ‘Overall warming of the atmosphere is actually creating cold-weather extremes’
Flashback: Top Democrats Warn Low Snow Levels Prove Global Warming (Video)
Flashback 2011: Gore now claims ‘increased heavy snowfalls are completely consistent with… man-made global warming’
Bob Tisdale shows how ‘Forecast the Facts” Brad Johnson and now Dr. Heidi Cullen are fecklessly factless about ocean warming and the blizzard
New paper finds warming causes less snow: Paper published in the Journal of Climate
Antarctica Sea Ice Above Normal For 439 Days In A Row
1972: CRU Director Hubert Lamb of U. of East Anglia Predicted A New Ice Age: ‘We are in a definite downhill course for the next two centuries’
Analysis: Why the ‘wind cheaper than coal in Australia’ headline is misleading
— Marginal cost of introducing new baseload gas, which would be combined cycle plant, again quite large, again with potential capacity factors above 85% — All three produce ostensibly the same product (electricity), but they do not provide the same service’