Dems ask NFL, NBA for suggestions on how to battle climate change — Dem Sen. Whitehouse: ‘Climate change is already affecting all of us, and we want to get all ideas on the table to address it’
Matt Lauer Exposes Al Gore’s Hypocrisy: ‘Gore visited NBC’s Today show & was challenged by Matt Lauer to defend selling out to Al Jazeera’
New paper finds potential glacier contribution to sea levels is 43% less than IPCC claims — Published in The Cryosphere
Oops: After Alaska cooled 2.4 degrees F. last decade, new NWF propaganda claims that ‘Alaska has warmed about twice as much as the continental United States’
Lights out – France to force shops and offices to go dark overnight to fight ‘light pollution’, lower CO2 emissions
Warmist Jeffrey Sachs and Michael Mann suggest that if you don’t believe in the global warming, you don’t care about your family