Gore Losing: No cause for alarm at 5-year mid-point of Armstrong-Gore climate ‘bet’ — ‘Gore should be pleased to find concerns about a ‘tipping point’ have turned out to be unfounded’
Climate Depot Exclusive No cause for alarm at five-year mid-point of the Armstrong-Gore climate ‘bet’ By forecasting pioneer Dr. Scott Armstrong of the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. Armstrong is the author of ‘Long-Range Forecasting’, the most frequently cited book on forecasting methods. He publishes the website TheClimateBet.com January 18, 2013 In […]
Whole Foods CEO: ‘Climate change is perfectly natural’ — ‘Ethical vegan’ John Mackey: ‘We’ve been in a gradual warming trend since the ending of the Little Ice Age in about 1870’
Michael Mann Backtracks, Admits Charging Up to $10,000 for Speaking Appearances — Mann admits ‘My error’
Michael Mann goes Lance Armstrong in SpeakingFeeGate: I can’t defend myself so I must destroy my accuser
Analysis: ‘How NASA GISS Have Changed The Temperature Record Since 2008’
Antarctic Sea Ice Extent 2nd Place Run Continues 890,000 sq km Above 30 Year Mean
AP Seth Borenstein finally concedes: Obama ‘Doesn’t Have Control of Day-to-Day Weather’ — But Obama Can Control Global Temps!?
Warmist Naomi Oreskes equates climate change to the ‘Nazi atomic bomb’
Politico: ‘Will Obama punt again on climate change? ‘Obama has proposed no new strategy on climate, it’s unclear if one is in the works’