Endangered species: fewer than 10 environment reporters left at top 5 US papers
Australia – was hot and is hot. So what? This is not an unusual heat-wave: It is ‘consistent with Australia’s historical records set when human ghg emissions were a fraction of today’s’
‘Australia has always had extreme heat, droughts, bushfire and flooding rains’ — ‘We haven’t come close to highest state temp on record which was 49.7 degrees in Menindee on Jan. 10, 1939’
‘Dec. 2012 the area of snow cover in the Northern Hemisphere was at its highest for 130 years at almost 3 million square km, or over 200,000 km above previous record in 1985’ acccording to NOAA
Warmist David Appell admits: ‘Frankly, I can’t think of a single instance in my entire lifetime where I considered climate change in any of my decisions about anything. Anything’
Aussie Scientist William Kinninmonth points out that the long term data on the red hot centre of Australia shows that this January is not unusual
A paper titled ‘Global Warming: A Geological Perspective,’ published in Environmental Geosciences
‘Recent fluctuations in temperature, both upward and downward, are well within the limits observed in nature prior to human influence’
Paper finds the Sun controls climate & ‘gives no support to theory of anthropogenic climate change’ — Published in the Journal of Geophysical Research
Paper: ‘Increasing concentration of ghgs in Earth atmosphere appeared to produce too weak forcing in order to dominate in Earth climate system.’