NPR news analyst Cokie Roberts claims that CO2 is causing weather disasters to ‘come more frequently and ferociously’
Ralph Nader: You know what the U.S. needs? A brand-new $340 billion annual bad-weather-prevention tax The best solution for climate change is a carbon tax
Warmist NYT journalist Justin Gillis on warmist Kerry Emanuel’s book, which defends Mann’s hockey stick: ‘The book is dead accurate’
UK Met Office Accused Of Misleading Public Over Rainfall Trends
Fracking Found Safe In New York: NY ‘officials deep-sixed a report that said fracking could be done safely. ‘Though the public is learning about it just now’
Climate Audit’s McIntyre: ‘Gleick’s welcome back to AGU prominence – without serving even the equivalent of a game’s suspension – was pretty startling…’