Has the IPCC ‘predictions’ been correct? UN IPCC’s Dr. Vincent Gray responds: ‘There is a generous uncertainty range and they cover themselves because of ‘the influence of other factors’
Analysis: ‘Climate Depot’s Morano Schools Bill Nye the Science Guy on Global Warming’: ‘Piers Morgan & Nye attempt to double team & undermine Morano without much success’
NOAA 2012 report finds sea levels rising at less than half the rate claimed by the UN IPCC
‘The report compares sea-level rise calculated from two different methods: 1) satellite altimetry and 2) ARGO measurements of the steric [thermal expansion] component + GRACE measurements of ocean mass. The rate of sea level rise using the 2nd method [ARGO + GRACE] shows a sea level rise of only 0.2 {ARGO] + 0.1 [GRACE] = […]
Here come the climate bills! Sen. Boxer announces plans to form ‘climate change caucus’ — ‘I think you are going to see a lot of bills on climate change’
Analysis of CNN debate w/Marc Morano vs. Bill Nye on Piers Morgan: ‘Bill Nye had a rather rambling performance…Nye appeared to be extremely badly prepared, with little understanding of the subject’
Watch CNN debate and read full transcript here.