Climate Depot’s Big Media Week: Over 300,000 visitors to Climate Depot in 24 hours!

The past week or so were very good ones for Climate Depot.

A Drudge Report link netted 245,628 unique visitors for Thursday Dec. 6, 2012 and 71,270 unique visitors for Friday Dec. 7, 2012. For a grand total of 316,898 unique visitors within 24 hours. (This came close to breaking the all-time Climate Depot one day readership record of 349,064 from April 24-25, 2009)

The big media week started on Wednesday Nov. 28, when Media Matters negatively featured Climate Depot as a key to the ‘climate denial machine’ See: Climate Depot featured: ‘Meet The Climate Denial Machine’ by Warmist ‘Media Matters for America’ — ‘Morano previously worked for Rush Limbaugh & Sen. James Inhofe both vocal climate change deniers’ — Morano often appears on Fox News to spread misinformation on climate change, and Rush Limbaugh has repeatedly used his material to attack climate scientists. Climate Depot is sponsored by Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT)’

On Thursday November 29, Climate Depot travelled to University of Hartford and University of Connecticut for back-to-back speaking engagements. See: Morano Visits Connecticut

On Friday Nov. 30. Climate Depot’s Morano debated Climategate’s Michael Mann on BBC. See: Mann v. Morano: Climategate’s Michael Mann debates Climate Depot’s Morano on Live BBC Radio: Mann: ‘Morano’s a hired assassin’ — Morano: ‘Mann plays the part of martyr very well’

On Monday Dec. 3, Climate Depot’s Morano appeared on two separate TV shows. The first was Canada’s SUN News: See: Watch Now: Climate Depot’s Morano on Canada’s Sun News on 129 Skeptical Scientists Letter to UN: ‘When temps flat line for 16 years going on 17 years, warmists’ don’t have temps to talk about’

And the 2nd media hit on Monday was a lively debate on Russian TV with warmist Thom Hartmann See: Watch another TV climate debate: Morano debates warmist Thom Hartman on Russian TV– Warmist Compares Co2 to tobacco

On Tuesday, Dec. 4, Climate Depot appeared on Fox News and CNN just hours apart. First up, was Fox News with Cavuto: See: Watch Now: Climate Depot’s Morano on Fox News on carbon tax: ‘They are trying to ride Hurricane Sandy all the way to the bank. The bank is setting the stage for a carbon tax here in DC’

Second up was CNN’s Prime Time show Piers Morgan and a primetime climate debate with Bill Nye. The TV debate led off the show: see: Watch Now: CNN Climate Debate! Climate Depot’s Morano Debates Bill Nye the Science Guy on Piers Morgan — Updated Transcript Includes Citations

On Thursday Dec. 6, Climate Depot released the new report debunking extreme weather claims. See: New Report: ‘Extreme Weather Report 2012’: ‘Latest peer-reviewed studies, data & analyses undermine claims that current weather is ‘unprecedented’ or a ‘new normal’

Climate Depot then received a link on Thursday Dec. 6 that lasted into Friday Dec. 7 about Lord Monckton being evicted from the UN summit.

In addition, Drudge also linked to Sen. Inhofe’s CFACT video that cited Climate Depot’s Extreme Weather report and CFACT’s activities in Qatar. See: Sen. Inhofe Video Message for UN Climate Conference: ‘Obama Quietly Handing Over Billions of Dollars to the UN in the Name of Global Warming’

Related Link:

Flashback: Climate Depot Wins Another Award! Daily Caller: Climate Depot Shares ‘2010 Award for Political Incorrectness’ with Sen. Inhofe!
