Al Gore’s ‘Reality Drop’ is a bomb: ‘WUWT readers make up the majority of visitors to this farce video. Mostly curiosity I suppose. Watch the video, then see the numbers below’
Sen Boxer (D-Calif) ‘Hurricane Sandy has shown us all what the scientists sitting right in this room said the day I got the gavel, & they told us exactly what would happen and it’s all happening’
Senate panel Democrats bash climate change deniers: Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.: ‘And we’ve tolerated the deniers for far too long in this body’
The Economist on UN summit in Qatar: ‘Climate change: Theatre of the absurd’: ‘Thousands of politicians, tree-huggers and journalists descended on Doha this week’
EPA Say Heatwaves Much Worse in 1930’s: ‘Heat waves occurred with high frequency in the 1930s, and these remain the most severe heat waves in the U.S. historical record’
Sen. Vitter: Carbon Tax Discussions Should Be Done Openly
Gore effect timed to UN climate summit in Qatar: Globe Seized By Bitter Cold – Arctic Sees Record Refreeze – UK Faces 100-Year Winter – Snow In New Zealand!
Warmists Tout ‘Ice loss in Greenland since 1960’ Rebuttal: ‘Ignore critical information from prior to your start date’
BBC Confirms That Polar Melt Has Almost No Effect On Sea Level
Global warming still stalled since 1998, WMO Doha figures show: ‘There is now some admission even from the hardest climate hardliners that something may be going on which is not understood’
‘The official position of the climate establishment is that global warming is still definitely on and the flat temperatures seen for the last 14 years or so are just a statistical fluke of the sort to be expected when trying to measure such a vast and noisy signal as world temperatures with such precision.’