German Mag ‘Die Zeit’ Represents Germany’s Hostile Intolerance, Calling Climate Skepticism ‘Fringe Opinions’ From ‘Deniers’
Reaction: ‘German weekly ‘Die Zeit’ article portrays Climate Depot’s Morano as some sort of Mafia boss. His Italian surname and Italian looks help a bit. The article is unbelievably corny’
‘You’ll Be Amazed By What Was Observed’ – Inconvenient Arctic Observations Before Satellite Measurements — Chronology shows ‘nothing unusual is happening today’
Climatologist Dr. Tim Ball: Claims Of More Severe Weather With Warming Are Based On IPCC Errors and Omissions
Pavlov’s Dogs: ‘Pavlov demonstrated that it is possible to create very strong associations between things that have no relationship to each other’
No consensus: While warmist Mann admits that Climate Depot’s ‘Morano has really accomplished a lot’, warmist Bob Ward is still in denial