Left-wing ‘watchdog’ group turns on Obama admin, demands investigation into EPA chief Lisa Jackson’s secret emails — Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW)
A Hurricane of Global Warming Lies: ‘In the first 2 years of this current decade ‘exactly zero major hurricanes struck the U.S. Despite this, the calls for carbon taxes are being heard’
Celebrate! Coal is the moral choice for world’s poor! 1,200 new coal plants planned worldwide ‘across 59 countries, with about three-quarters in China and India’
‘NASA Rewriting U.S. History’: ‘Ten years ago, NASA showed U.S. on 80 year long cooling trend…NASA now shows same period warming – with 1998 as the hottest year’
Another indicator that climate is falling off the threat radar: CIA shuts down Center on Climate Change and National Security
New paper finds Siberian temperatures 5,000 years ago up to 1.5C higher than today: ‘A paper published in Quaternary International reconstructs temperatures over the past 10,000 years’
New paper shows N. Atlantic Ocean cooled from 1953-2007: ‘New paper published in Nature Geoscience finds heat content of N. Atlantic decreased by 0.1×1021 Joules over 54 year period’