Frontline responds to complaints about Oct 23 ‘Climate of Doubt’: Here, the Rebuttal to Frontline that PBS Ombudsman Won’t Put Online’
Study: Drought Trends, Estimates Possibly Overstated Due To Inaccurate Science — Study ‘suggests that there has been little change in drought over the past 60 years’
End Times! Climate Cult member Michael Hanlon: ‘Humans walking around outside will die. No one will live in Florida any more, or Louisiana’
Global Sea Level Rise Less Than 0.7 mm/Year – And Falling: ‘Sea level rise rates are slowing this century’
Brainwashed Vermont college student has vowed to take a fossil-fueled 12,000+ mile round-trip junket to prevent CO2-induced weather from harming the people living in the year 2100
Autumn Snow Extent Has Increased By 25%: ‘Week 44 northern hemisphere snow extent has increased by 25% since the start of the satellite era in 1979’
Reality denier: Warmist Jeff Masters, ignoring the latest peer-reviewed science: ‘In the future, if you’re not being cooked in a record drought, you’re going to be washed away in a record flood’