Prof. Pielke Jr. on new Nature drought study: ‘It means that a widely accepted and oft-repeated consensus position expressed in IPCC 2007 now appears to have been incorrect’
Prof. Pielke Jr. on new Nature drought study: ‘Once again the lesson is that if you are looking for a signal of human-caused climate change, it is best not to look at such extremes’
Nature paper: Global droughts unchanged in 60 years: ‘Worldwide drought is about the same now as it was in 1950’
‘Folly of new carbon tax’: ‘Such a levy can’t be justified on basis of altering climate; real goal is a revenue stream to fund European-style government’
Grist warmist Philip Bump calls Al Gore ‘the face of the left’s radical environmentalism…a not-very-popular climate activist; –‘Why Al Gore should pipe down about a carbon tax’
Obama’s spokesman: ‘We would never propose a carbon tax, and have no intention of proposing one’
Restoring The Climate Of 1974: ‘CO2 was at very safe levels in 1974. The worst tornado outbreak in US history. A hurricane which killed 8,000 people’
We’re Saved from Climate Crisis! UK Guardian’s Suzanne Goldenberg declares: ‘Obama vows to take personal charge of climate change in second term’