Paper mocks Michael Mann & his lawsuit: ‘Climate-change crybabies’: ‘Those who run to a judge & cry about YouTube videos or clever blog posts clearly are not confident in the truth of their position’
Obama stokes expectations of climate change action in second term
Climate alarmists confounded again: New paper finds no effect of global warming on El Ninos — Published in Journal of Geophysical Research
Will Obama go down in history as the president who destroyed the US economy because he imagined that carbon dioxide caused a storm?
Climatologist Dr. Tim Ball: ‘Current Climate Changes Are Normal: It’s Time The Media Got the Story Correct’
Flashback 1974: Record Storm Surge Caused By Excess Arctic Ice — ‘Experts tell us that Sandy’s storm surge was caused by missing Arctic ice’
Michael Moore thanks ‘Mother Nature’ for sending Hurricane Sandy to help Obama
Global Warming Rises From the Political Grave?! Dem Majority Leader Reid on climate change: ‘I hope we can address it’
New insane quote from overpopulation guru Paul Ehrlich: ‘Blowing thru 2 degrees C worth of warming, as we appear to be doing, could result in billions of deaths’
End of Era: Sen. Inhofe’s leadership of the GOP on Environment & Public Works Committee expires — ‘GOP caucus limits its members to 6 years as chairman and 6 as ranking member’
E&E News — ENVIRONMENT AND PUBLIC WORKS: Election’s impact on panel leadership raises key question — does Inhofe stay or go? By Jean Chemnick, E&E reporter — Published: Tuesday, November 6, 2012 [Selected excerpts reprinted from E&E Greenwire – November 6, 2012 – subscription required] The same two senators have headed the Senate Environment […]