PBS Frontline’s warmist climate special fizzles: Poll on PBS website shows program had no impact
Warmist Michael Tobis links Sandy and jet stream to AGW: ‘Climate related? Well, Sandy is one of the new breed of very geographically large tropical storms’
Warmist David Attenborough openly hoping for a disaster to hit N. America: Asked what was needed to wake people up to [AGW]: ‘Disaster. It’s a terrible thing to say, isn’t it?’
http://newnostradamusofthenorth.blogspot.se/2012/10/warmist-david-attenborough-openly.html Naturalist – and warmist – David Attenborough is desperately hoping for a “disaster” to happen in “the most powerful nation in the world, North America” in order to wake up the climate heretics: UK Guardian: One of the world’s leading naturalists has accused US politicians of ducking the issue of climate change because of the economic cost of […]
It’s official: Warmist Peter Gleick of Fakegate calls it: ‘Washington politicians are ignoring climate change? Well, ignore me.’ Hurricane Sandy’