Ice sheets may stabilise for centuries, regardless of warming
Atlantic Sea Surface Temperature As Warm In 1775 As Today
Yet Another DOE-Backed Solar Company Goes Bankrupt! Satcon Technology Corp.: ‘Chapter 11 filings were a necessary and prudent step’ — Satcon received a $3 million DOE grant in January
Columbia Journalism Review: From the EPA to NASA, the FDA to OSHA, President Obama has failed to make science accessible
As it struggled, A123 showered Democrats with donations, hired pricey lobbyist
Gergis hockey stick withdrawn. ‘This is what 95% certainty looks like in climate science. In May it was all over newspapers, in June it was shown to be badly flawed. By October, its quietly withdrawn’
Obama Unites Global Warming Alarmists, Skeptics In Presidential Debates: ‘We all acknowledge Obama is not being forthright about the reasons behind his energy policies’
More peer-reviewed papers soil Michael Mann’s claims: Climate Was Warmer 1000 and 2000 Years Ago
Reprinted from CCNET: CCNet – 18 October 2012 The Climate Policy Network Climate Was Warmer 1000 and 2000 Years Ago This impressive piece of research makes a significant contribution to a growing body of evidence that both the global extent of the Medieval Warm Period, and the temperature was similar, or even greater than the […]
Prof. Judith Curry on 16 year global temps: ‘ Nothing in Met Office’s statement…effectively refutes Rose’s argument that there has been no increase in global avg. surface temps for past 16 years’
Excerpt from Judith Curry: JC note to defenders of the idea that the planet has been warming for the past 16 years: Raise the level of your game. Nothing in the Met Office’s statement or in Nuticelli’s argument effectively refutes Rose’s argument that there has been no increase in the global average surface temperature for […]