EPA accused of illegal human experimentation — Paid participants $12 an hour ‘to breathe concentrated diesel exhaust’
Environmentalists get vocal on Obama, Romney silence on climate change: ‘The silence of Romney & Obama on climate is deafening’
ABC warmist Bill Blakemore on AGW: ‘It’s coming far faster than was expected even five years ago. It’s very dangerous. It’s causing enormous changes to agricultural prices…’
Only a carbon tax can save the Internet! A new meaning to ‘WiFi hotspot’: ‘Increased CO2 may ruin future WiFi connections — ‘higher temperatures can reduce the range of wireless communications’
Climategate’s Michael Mann: ‘The changes that are taking place are larger and they’re happening faster than what we predicted’
New paper finds that a solar proton event could cause global cooling of more than 3C — Paper published today in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
Prepare for end times! ‘Further Evidence That Global Warming’s Getting Worse: Pollution, Disease & Planetary Food Riots Are Coming’