‘Horse sh*t!’ Declares Climatologist Dr. Patrick Michaels as he shreds claims made by some scientists that ‘Arctic Ice Melt Could Mean More Extreme Winters For U.S. And Europe.”

Special to Climate Depot Dr. Patrick Michaels Director, Center for the Study of Science at Cato Institute “Horse sh*t,” declared Climatologist Dr. Patrick Michaels in respond to claims made by some scientists that ‘Arctic Ice Melt Could Mean More Extreme Winters For U.S. And Europe.” (September 13, 2012 article in Huffington Post.) Michaels response is […]

Wash. Post Shocker: ‘GM’s vaunted Volt is on the road to nowhere fast’ — ‘The basic theory— if you build them, customers will come — was a myth. And an expensive one, at that’

Wash Post: The basic theory of the Obama push for electric vehicles — if you build them, customers will come — was a myth. And an expensive one, at that’ The Energy Department study assumed that General Motors would produce 120,000 plug-in hybrid Volts in 2012. GM never came close to that and recently suspended […]

The Lewandowsky conspiracy paper reveals how warmists are desperate: Study ignores prominent warmist promoters who appear to believe in 9/11 conspiracies

Climate Depot Editorial The Lewandowsky conspiracy paper reveals how the promoters of man-made global warming are desperate. This latest study fails just by a reading of the title: ‘NASA faked the moon landing – Therefore (Climate) Science is a Hoax’ (Lewandowsky email: [email protected]) But if the moonwalkers themselves are global warming skeptics, how can Lewandowsky […]