Climate Models: 100% right except for rain, drought, storms, humidity and everything else — ‘Climate change models misjudge drought’
Claim: ‘The first eight months of 2012 had the most extreme weather in U.S. since such record-keeping began in 1910’
Lewandowsky: study ‘Useless’ unless authors demonstrate ‘data integrity’
The Cook-Lewandowsky Social-Internet Link: ‘Stephan Lewandowsky is John Cooks academic advisor…That’s quite a little activist organization they have running out of U. of western Australia’
Climatologist: ‘There is no relationship whatsoever between global-warming-related U.S. temperature & drought’ — ‘The country is getting wetter’
‘When it comes to dreaded droughts, President Obama could do a lot for his climate credibility by listening to what Jim Hansen says — and proclaiming exactly the opposite.’
Investor’s Business Daily features Climate Depot on Obama’s climate claims: ‘As Marc Morano documents at Climate Depot, all the world’s most devastating floods occurred before 1976’
Paper finds ‘warming since 1850 is mainly the result of natural climatic variations’: Paper published in Global and Planetary Change
They find, ‘some identified cycles correspond to variations in the Moons’ orbit around Earth’ and ‘some identified cycles correspond to solar variations.’
New paper shows no ‘average’ change in El Ninos due to CO2: Paper published today in Geophysical Research Letters
New paper finds Antarctic Peninsula has accumulated significant extra ice since 1850 A paper published in Geophysical Research Letters
The finding is particularly surprising since the ‘significant accumulation’ of ice has occurred since the end of the Little Ice Age in ~ 1850′