New blockbuster paper finds man-made CO2 is not driver of global warming: ‘Published today in Global & Planetary Change — finds changes in CO2 follow rather than lead global air surface temps’
‘Instead, just as in the ice cores, CO2 levels are found to be a lagging effect ocean warming, not significantly related to man-made emissions, and not the driver of warming. Prior research has shown infrared radiation from greenhouse gases is incapable of warming the oceans, only shortwave radiation from the Sun is capable of penetrating […]
1974: CIA blamed extreme weather on Global Cooling: ‘Within a single year, adversity had visited nearly every nation on the globe’
Michael Mann lawsuit? ‘The Climate Change racket: Finally a day in court?’ Is the day that non-alarmists have long awaited finally upon us? The climate change racket on trial in a court of law?
Sad state of peer-review: ’20 more retractions for scientist who made up email addresses so he could review his own papers’
Flashback 1974 – Der Spiegel: ‘Temperatures Over Last 20 Years Have Dropped Faster Than At Anytime In The Last 1000 Years’ — Blamed expanding deserts on man-made cooling
Rebuttal: Climate changed naturally throughout history. But since about 1900, it’s all man’s fault. We live in an age of technical charlatans.
Is prayer more effective than carbon taxes for controlling the weather? Claim: Group Says Prayer Moved Issac Away From Tampa to protect GOP Convention
Is prayer more effective than carbon taxes for controlling the weather? Claim: Group Says Prayer Moved Issac Away From Tampa to protect GOP Convention: Jesten Peters of Keys of Authority Ministries who said that her organization’s prayer efforts helped steer Tropical Storm Isaac away from Tampa in order to protect the Republican National Convention. But […]