Bummer: Left-wing CO2-induced end times are approaching: ‘civilization might – no really, will – collapse in our kids’ or grandkids’ lifetimes’
Huffington Post blogger Duane Elgin: ‘Humanity is converting the Earth into a gas chamber by pouring lethal amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere’
Investor’s Business Daily: ‘Climate-Gate Zealot Continues Three-Ring Circus’: ‘It’s been the greatest fraud of all time, and Michael Mann has been at the heart of it’
Michael Mann to sue NRO: ‘This could potentially see the lid being lifted on an extraordinary range of documents & materials relevant to Mann’s work over past 15 years’
Game on! Not a Bluff?! Michael Mann and his lawyer respond! ‘We intend to file a lawsuit’ against National Review
Meteorologist Joe Bastardi: ‘Heh, stop the panic over the [GOP] convention. Storm is not going to hit from SW. If from SE comes from land. If offshore, not that bad’
Antarctic peninsula warming ‘unusual but not unprecedented’: ‘Paper in Nature indicates warming in Antarctic peninsula began long before Industrial Revolution, or invention of SUV’