Climatologist Dr. John Christy notes NASA’s Hansen admits his study motivated by ‘the need for the public to appreciate the significance of human-made global warming’
They Are Hoping That You Are Stupid: Warmists’ told us that last winter’s lack of snow in Eastern US was the new normal
Michael Mann: ‘it’s part of a trend, Katrina, the record season of 2005 was part of a trend towards more destructive storms’
Energy Dept. Gambles $500M On Schemes Private Sector Won’t Touch:’They’ve even got an agency dedicated to doing it’
AP reporter Seth Borenstein claims ‘Globally, July was 329th straight month hotter than norm. Flip coin for 329 heads in row. Odds it’s random: 1 in 1.1 followed by 99 zeros’
Prof. Roger Pielke Jr.: ‘U.S. midwestern drought has decreased in past 50+ years? That is not skepticism, that’s IPCC’