Prof. Judith Curry says Hansen has ‘rigged the dice’: ‘Much is being made of Hansen’s ‘loaded dice’ as a metaphor for the changing climate. I think we should be talking about ‘fuzzy dice’
New paper in Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society finds little evidence of changes in extreme weather or link to AGW
Proof That The 1930s Were Hotter: Top 5 all time record daily U.S. maximums were all during 1930s. No year this century even shows up in the top fifteen
Catholic bishops urge Filipinos to recite global warming prayer after floods: ‘Global warming is upon us’
UK Guardian Says Global Warming Induced Cold Is The New Normal: ‘That is the great thing about man-made CO2 – all natural phenomenon can be blamed on it’
Presto: Adjust temps to create more warming: ‘The adjustments they are making are greater than claimed trend, meaning that all man made US warming is occurring inside ORNL & GISS computers’
Hansen backtracks on claims?! ‘We’re not showing that this is a consequence of an increase in carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases’