Princeton Physicist Freeman Dyson on Muller like claims: ‘The climate-studies people who work with models always tend to overestimate their models’
Analysis: Muller’s ‘Results Nothing New’: Warmist William Connolley finds new BEST results ‘rubbish’ (by which he means data analysis is nothing new, & the attribution claims not very scientific)
Meteorologist Joe Bastardi isses debate challenge: ‘Attn Richard Muller. Set up a debate where I can show you the actual weather and physical reasons for why your conclusion is nonsense’
Earth to Richard Muller: We know that your incessant ‘I was skeptical until recently’ schtick is complete BS’
The Truth about Richard Muller: ‘I was never a skeptic’ declared Richard Muller in 2011
Muller says we caused 0.7 warming seen in pink circle on right, even though it is completely in the noise of measurement error – & an order of magnitude smaller than natural variability’
Muller claims his ‘statistical methods’ prove man-made warming –‘How definite is the attribution to humans? The CO2 curve gives a better match than anything else we’ve tried’[email protected]
He’s back! Berkeley’s Richard Muller Climate Con Continues: Muller pens NYT OPED: Claims to be ‘Converted Skeptic’ – Declares global warming ‘due to the human emission of ghgs’