‘Ecological panic’ — NYT Features Yale History Prof. Timothy Snyder: ‘Global warming will itself almost certainly directly cause mass killing’
NASA’s Jay Zwally Ripped for Spinning on Greenland Temps: ‘Why did Zwally pick the last 20 years? Because 20 years ago was coldest period on record in Greenland’ [email protected]
July hottest month on record in U.S.?! ‘Complete B.S. July, 1936 was much hotter, but NCDC now upwards adjust more than 1.5 degrees on to the monthly temperature’
99% Of Greenland Melt Events Happened With CO2 Below 350 PPM: ‘According to NASA, Greenland melt events happen every 153 years, which means they have no correlation to CO2’
Smoking Gun That Hansen’s Adjustments And The Hockey Stick Are Garbage: ‘Correlation between raw USHCN max temps & Briffa’s trees from 1960-1994..correlation is pretty decent’
Texas State Climatologist Dr. John Nielsen-Gammon: ‘Talking about current drought like it’s the start of the next Dust Bowl is like talking about a no-hitter in the middle of the second inning’
Hmm: If this is truly the worst US drought in more than 50 years, why were the droughts of 1980 and 1988 far more costly?