Luke Warmist Keith Kloor: ‘Extreme weather and disasters has become crack cocaine to the climate community. Many of them are now hooked’
Illiteracy at NASA: Greenland melt claims hyped: ‘It is not a type of event which is unique’ — ‘Apparently NASA should start distributing dictionaries to the authors of its press releases’
Michael Mann threatens legal action over Steyn comment — Cites various investigations into Climategate as evidence that there was no wrongdoing
Warmist Warren Washington offers up ‘climate models’ as ‘smoking gun proof’ of man-made global warming
Inside Michael Mann’s bunker: He’s carefully set up a ‘cocoon of unreality’ in an attempt to avoid any contact with people who disagree with him
NASA’s James Hansen Demonstrates Again That He Is Completely Incompetent: Hansen ‘is attempting to drive policy with claims that have no basis in fact’
Want funding? Tie your research to climate! ‘Climate change where you’d least expect it’ Physiology & $370,000 to Civil Engineering…$320,000 Public Health and Health Sciences’
UN IPCC’s Richard Tol: ‘If you put ‘climate change’ in a grant application, you increase the chance of getting funded’