Marc Morano, Publisher of Climate Depot Statement: ‘Why, oh why would Romney choose a V.P. who is smitten with the UN climate process?’
Flashback: ‘Will Romney Recycle GW. Bush’s Global Warming Fiasco?’ ‘Seems bent on recycling Bush’s climate muddle, a hodgepodge of subsidies & policies that did nothing but waste money’
Flashback 2007: Sec. of State Condi Rice challenged the world’s biggest polluters Thursday to ‘cut the Gordian knot of fossil fuels’ by shifting toward energy sources that will reduce global warming’
Warmist Condi Rice for Romney’s VP?! Flashback: Rice laments Bush rejection of Kyoto — Rice believes not ‘promising to seek alternatives to Kyoto was a ‘self-inflicted wound’
Trying to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory: AEI Hosts Fifth Secret Meeting to Promote Carbon Tax
Scientists Blame Global Warming for Heat Wave, But Fail to Back It Up: Refused to identify any possible threshold: ‘I honestly don’t think you can really put a number right on it’
Sen. Inhofe Speech mocks warmists heatwave claims: ‘The Question Global Warming Alarmists Won’t Answer’ — What ‘percentage of the heat over the past few weeks can be attributed to human causes’
Desperate Scientists Blame Bad Weather On Global Warming: ‘Gov’t funded UN IPCC lackeys at UK’s Met Office & NOAA have publicly attributed bad weather events to man-made climate change’
The Odds Of The USHCN Adjustments Being Correct? One Out Of Infinity: ‘USHCN now adjusts the temperatures from the last 840 months in a row upwards’
Why They Are Rewriting History: ‘Blame all weather events on ‘climate change.’ That concept doesn’t actually make any sense, but Pavlov’s dogs are trained to drool & will do so when the bell rings’