Meteorologist Ryan Maue: ‘So, extreme heat broke 3,000 records. Out of how many? 3,000, 300k, or 3 million? How many records weren’t broken — is a good question’
Is DC having ‘the worst heat wave ever?’ NOOOO! ‘Heatwaves were much worse in the past, and 95 degree days were far more common prior to 1960’
WaPo Warmist Eugene Robinson taken to task: ‘Eugene, you’re the one that’s delirious. Or maybe we could say in DENIAL since you’re taking reality in DC to represent what entire globe is doing’
Greenie George Monbiot: ‘We were wrong on peak oil. There’s enough to fry us all’ –‘Good news for capitalists –but a disaster for humanity’
Leading Alarmist John Cook Explains Why Trenberth Is Full Of It: Flasbhack 2010 during cold weather: ‘It’s easy to confuse current weather events with long-term climate trends…’
Dr. Pielke Sr. On AP’s Borenstein: ‘He is further recognized as a reporter with an agenda who selects scientists to interview whose views (with just one exception) support his biases on climate issue’
AP’s Seth Borenstein Interviewed Prof. Judith Curry — But never included her comments! ‘I received an email from Borenstein, asking me 6 questions, to which I responded’
Charlie Daniels: ‘Global warming is the only thing I know that lays claim to every kind of weather, Hot, cold, rain, snow, drought, floods Hurricanes and tornadoes’