Medieval Witchcraft Alive & Well in Congress! Dem Rep. Henry Waxman blames CO2 for wildfires in Colorado & floods in Florida — Believes Congress can control the Weather!
North Carolina Sea Level Rising At Less Than One Half Of Global Avg. Rate: ‘Rising at a rate of 1.4 mm/year. This is less than one half of their measured global rate of 3.1 mm/year’
Time warmist Bryan Walsh channels Marc Morano: ‘We’ve heard warnings about imminent environmental collapse before, and they haven’t yet been right’
The new normal?: Grist’s David ‘Climate Nuremberg’ Roberts, evidently frustrated that sea levels are unlikely to rise much by 2100, now wants to talk about wild guesses for the year 2300
‘In order to merely keep up with growth of global electricity use, the wind industry would have to cover 96 square miles every day with wind turbines. That’s an area about the size of 4 Manhattans’