‘The television network known as Band, Brazil’s 4th largest, aired a climate denialist broadcast, which appears to be the beginning of a series. ‘Earth’s temperature is not increasing, say scholars’
UN Earth Summit Greeted By Brazilian Newspaper O Globo in Rio, Featuring Skeptical Scientist: ‘Global warming in check’
Climate Realism in Brazilian television: Prof. Ricardo Augusto Felício, ‘has a PhD in Geography, by the University of São Paulo, Brazil, study of dynamic climatology in Antarctica
Skepticism spreads to Brazil: ‘Mark yet another day in the Diary of How the Skeptics Won. Skeptics are getting heard (funny how the truth spreads)’
Warmist David Roberts of the enviro-mag Grist: ‘Gonna talk Rio + 20 on the radio in a little while. Does anyone have anything positive I could say? Because I’m coming up empty’