Armed Eco-Anarchists attack science: Extremists shoot nuclear-engineering executive, Send letter bombs
UN IPCC Gets Even Wackier: ‘The next IPCC report will include a chapter on ‘Human Security’ that discusses gender inequality, marginalized populations, & traditional knowledge’
New Climate Models Fall Short: ‘A biased scientific result is no different from a useless one. Neither can be turned into a real-world application’
‘Too big to fail’: Obama moves for taxpayer bailout of future carbon trading: ‘So if cap-and-trade ever returns, taxpayers will be guaranteeing the scam doesn’t fail’
Warmist Joe Romm’s extreme weather claims rebutted: ‘1908 had already seen two hurricanes by this date, and was one of the ten coldest years on record according to GISS’
When Science IS Fiction: Nobel Physics laureate Ivar Giaever has called global warming (aka. climate change) a ‘new religion’
Watch Now: Climate Depot’s Morano at Heartland conf.: ‘The public is rejecting AGW. It is dead last among env. issues’ –Having UN IPCC as the source of the science, is a PR nightmare for warmists’
Watch Now: Morano at Heartland: ‘Carbon based energy is the moral choice…Wind & solar cannot compete with carbon based energy. They have competed & they had their a**es kicked repeatedly’
Duke U. Scientist Dr. Nicola Scafetta finds at least 60% of warming since 1970 due to the Sun – Predicts global cooling — Laments the ‘almost religious assumption that the science is settled’