Gore blames ‘dirty energy … money’ for ‘dirty weather’
Gleick Review Not Finalized, Pacific Institute Says
Al Gore wrong again! ‘Mount Kilimanjaro is slowly building up its snow cover, allaying fears of prominent scientists who had predicted witnessing the eminence lose its famous white hat’
Famed hurricane forecaster Dr. William Gray predicts global cooling over next 20 years
Aussie Geologist Dr. Bob Carter: ‘Policymakers in Canada, U.S. & Japan have quietly abandoned the illusory goal of preventing global warming by reducing CO2 emissions’
Joe Bast rebuts the warmist attacks– reveals Heartland ‘ raised more money since Fakegate incident than in the previous 11 months, and are on track to double our income this year’
Comprehensive Alps Study Clearly Refutes Humans Are Causing More Weather Variability And Extremes!
Watch Now: Lord Christopher Monckton on Sun News at Heartland conference
Paper: Aussie Green leader Christine Milnevow’s vow to punish critics is an echo of Stalinist censorship
Watch Now: German Geologist Dr. Sebastian Luning: ‘The Cold Sun: Why climate catastrophe is called off’ — ‘The Medieval Warm Period within the Context of Millenial Scale Climate Cycles’