ABC News climate reporter Bill Blakemore reveals his inner cult beliefs: ‘Extinguish the Panic and Despair so Deadly in a Great Crisis’
No sea level rise catastrophe? ‘Greenland’s glaciers haven’t been cooperating with the oft-repeated (alarmist) notion that global warming will cause them simply to slide off into the sea’
U.S. Senate Candidate, Landslide Primary Winner Richard Mourdock: ‘Debate Is Not Over On Global Climate Change’
Report: Dangerous global warming awaits the planet in next 40 years: ‘Raises possibility that humankind might not survive’
Quick, pass cap-and-trade! Climate Change ‘Is Harming Eye Health’ — ‘Warming of the Earth’s climate system & increasing concentrations of ghgs are causing some eye disorders’
UK Daily Mail: Global cooling? Lake sediment proves solar activity cooled earth 2,800 years ago – and same could be due to happen again