This is confusing: One study finds ‘Climate Change Skepticism Stems from Recession’
Which is it?! Flashback 2009: Global recession could worsen global warming: ‘Hopes that humankind will deal with Earth’s changing climate are in danger of being dashed by the ongoing ‘Great Recession’
It’s all so confusing?! Flashback 2009: Recession ‘threatens UK effort to tackle global warming’: ‘Investment in green housing, power and transport at risk’
New York Times on Climate Depot: ‘Marc Morano [is] one of the most prominent professional purveyors of climate doubt’
Watch Now: Climate Depot’s Morano on modern environmentalism and human progress
Meet the man who wants to kill capitalism to stop global warming! Jose A. Tapia Granados of Inst. for Social Research, U. of [email protected]
Co-author Jose A. Tapia Granados of Inst. for Social Research at U. of Michigan, wrote in The Monthly Review, a Marxist Mag.: The current capitalist system ‘has to die to allow for human progress’
Study blames Economic Growth for Causing Global Warming: ‘Economic contractions the size of Great Recession or even bigger will be needed to reduce atmospheric levels of CO2’